Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Ballynure, County Wicklow
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Ballynure, County Wicklow
Alford          William               Grangecon Hill         Ballynure     Wicklow
Alford          William               Grangecon Parks        Ballynure     Wicklow
Alford          William               The Grange             Ballynure     Wicklow
Allen           Thomas                Knockarigg Hill        Ballynure     Wicklow
Barry           Bryan                 Hartstown              Ballynure     Wicklow
Bedwell         John                  Ballynure Park         Ballynure     Wicklow
Behan           John                  Grangecon Upper        Ballynure     Wicklow
Bolger          John                  Lackareagh             Ballynure     Wicklow
Bolger          John                  Monatore               Ballynure     Wicklow
Bolger          John                  Oldtown                Ballynure     Wicklow
Bourke          Anne                  Lackareagh             Ballynure     Wicklow
Bourke          Edward                Baronstown Lower       Ballynure     Wicklow
Bourke          Jane                  Baronstown Upper       Ballynure     Wicklow
Bourke          Patrick               Lackareagh             Ballynure     Wicklow
Bourke          Tobias                Lackareagh             Ballynure     Wicklow
Brennan         James                 Tinoranhill South      Ballynure     Wicklow
Brien           Edward                Knockanreagh           Ballynure     Wicklow
Brophy          Michael               Glennacanon            Ballynure     Wicklow
Bryan           Michael               Ballynure Demesne      Ballynure     Wicklow
Bryan           Thomas                Knockdoo               Ballynure     Wicklow
Byrne           Anne                  Tinoranhill North      Ballynure     Wicklow
Byrne           Dominick              Grangecon Lower        Ballynure     Wicklow
Byrne           Dominick              Grangecon Rocks        Ballynure     Wicklow
Byrne           Dominick              Grangecon Upper        Ballynure     Wicklow
Byrne           Dominick              Knoxtershill           Ballynure     Wicklow
Byrne           Edward                Moneymore              Ballynure     Wicklow
Byrne           Garrett               Griffinstown Upper     Ballynure     Wicklow
Byrne           John                  Hartstown              Ballynure     Wicklow
Byrne           Joseph                Knockdoo               Ballynure     Wicklow
Byrne           Mary                  Griffinstown Upper     Ballynure     Wicklow
Byrne           Matthew               Tinoranhill South      Ballynure     Wicklow
Byrne           Maurice               Glennacanon            Ballynure     Wicklow
Byrne           Maurice               Tinoranhill South      Ballynure     Wicklow
Byrne           Peter                 Oldtown                Ballynure     Wicklow
Byrne           Peter                 Tinoranhill South      Ballynure     Wicklow
Cahill          Anne                  Griffinstown Upper     Ballynure     Wicklow
Cahill          Thomas                Lackareagh             Ballynure     Wicklow
Cardiff         William               Moneymore              Ballynure     Wicklow
Carroll         Henry                 Ballynure Demesne      Ballynure     Wicklow
Carroll         Henry                 Ballynure Park         Ballynure     Wicklow
Carroll         Henry                 Knockarigg             Ballynure     Wicklow
Case            Richard               Grangecon Rocks        Ballynure     Wicklow
Cashen          John                  Griffinstown Upper     Ballynure     Wicklow
Clifford        Thomas                Baronstown Upper       Ballynure     Wicklow
Coleman         James                 Griffinstown Upper     Ballynure     Wicklow
Connolly        John                  Knockanreagh           Ballynure     Wicklow
Conran          Matthew               Ballynure              Ballynure     Wicklow
Conran          Matthew               Knockdoo               Ballynure     Wicklow
Cooke           Mary                  Grangecon Hill         Ballynure     Wicklow
Cooke           Mary                  Knockarigg             Ballynure     Wicklow
Corcoran        John                  Griffinstown Upper     Ballynure     Wicklow
Cox             Thomas                Ballynure Demesne      Ballynure     Wicklow
Cullen          Jeremiah              Grangecon Hill         Ballynure     Wicklow
Cullen          Patrick               Griffinstown Lower     Ballynure     Wicklow
Cullen          Patrick               Griffinstown Upper     Ballynure     Wicklow
Cullen          Paul                  Lowtown                Ballynure     Wicklow
Cunham          Murtagh               Ballynure Park         Ballynure     Wicklow
Cunningham      Edward                Griffinstown Glen      Ballynure     Wicklow
Cunningham      Mat                   Griffinstown Glen      Ballynure     Wicklow
Curran          Anne                  Griffinstown Glen      Ballynure     Wicklow
Davis           James                 Knocknamuck Upper      Ballynure     Wicklow
Davis           James                 Whitehills             Ballynure     Wicklow
Deegan          Patrick               Grangecon Rocks        Ballynure     Wicklow
Dillon          Margaret              Grangecon Rocks        Ballynure     Wicklow
Dillon          William               Grangecon Hill         Ballynure     Wicklow
Dillon          William               The Grange             Ballynure     Wicklow
Doogan          Charles               Glennacanon            Ballynure     Wicklow
Doogan          Mary                  Glennacanon            Ballynure     Wicklow
Doolan          Lawrence              Whitehills             Ballynure     Wicklow
Dooley          John                  Hartstown              Ballynure     Wicklow
Douglas         George                Lowtown                Ballynure     Wicklow
Dowdle          William               Tinoranhill South      Ballynure     Wicklow
Doyle           John                  Griffinstown Upper     Ballynure     Wicklow
Doyle           Mary                  Monatore               Ballynure     Wicklow
Doyle           William               Griffinstown Glen      Ballynure     Wicklow
Doyle           William               Knockarigg             Ballynure     Wicklow
Dunne           Edward                Baronstown Upper       Ballynure     Wicklow
Dunne           John                  Burrow                 Ballynure     Wicklow
Dunne           John                  Knockarigg             Ballynure     Wicklow
Dunne           Patrick               Griffinstown Hill      Ballynure     Wicklow
Dwyer           Sarah                 Monatore               Ballynure     Wicklow
Egan            Patrick               Griffinstown Lower     Ballynure     Wicklow
Fearon          Maryanne              Grangecon Parks        Ballynure     Wicklow
Finn            William               Knoxtershill           Ballynure     Wicklow
Flood           Margaret              Lackareagh             Ballynure     Wicklow
Flood           Thomas                Grangecon Rocks        Ballynure     Wicklow
Flood           Thomas                Monatore               Ballynure     Wicklow
Fogarty         Edward                Tinoranhill North      Ballynure     Wicklow
Foley           Edward                Burrow                 Ballynure     Wicklow
Gaffney         Patrick               Griffinstown Upper     Ballynure     Wicklow
Germaine        John                  Grangecon Hill         Ballynure     Wicklow
Germaine        John                  Grangecon Lower        Ballynure     Wicklow
Germaine        John                  Grangecon Upper        Ballynure     Wicklow
Germaine        John                  Knockarigg             Ballynure     Wicklow
Greene          William               Grangecon Hill         Ballynure     Wicklow
Halloway        Peter                 Baronstown Lower       Ballynure     Wicklow
Harrington      Henry                 Knoxtershill           Ballynure     Wicklow
Harrington      Patrick               Grangecon Rocks        Ballynure     Wicklow
Hart            Bernard               Hartstown              Ballynure     Wicklow
Hart            John                  Hartstown              Ballynure     Wicklow
Hart            Peter                 Hartstown              Ballynure     Wicklow
Hart            Peter                 Oldtown                Ballynure     Wicklow
Hayden          Denis                 Knockanreagh           Ballynure     Wicklow
Hennessy        Christopher           Knockarigg             Ballynure     Wicklow
Henry           Robert                Knockanreagh           Ballynure     Wicklow
Howlett         John                  Knockdoo               Ballynure     Wicklow
Hoyle           Judith                Monatore               Ballynure     Wicklow
Indy            William               Tinoranhill North      Ballynure     Wicklow
Ivers           James                 Ballynure Park         Ballynure     Wicklow
Ivers           James                 Grangecon Rocks        Ballynure     Wicklow
Kealy           Patrick               Griffinstown Glen      Ballynure     Wicklow
Kearney         Elizabeth             Knockarigg Hill        Ballynure     Wicklow
Keenan          Mary                  Griffinstown Upper     Ballynure     Wicklow
Kelly           James                 Burrow                 Ballynure     Wicklow
Kelly           James                 Hartstown              Ballynure     Wicklow
Keogh           Anne                  Hartstown              Ballynure     Wicklow
Keogh           James                 Grangecon Hill         Ballynure     Wicklow
Keogh           James                 Moneymore              Ballynure     Wicklow
Keogh           John                  Moneymore              Ballynure     Wicklow
Keogh           John                  Oldtown                Ballynure     Wicklow
Keogh           Margaret              Grangecon Rocks        Ballynure     Wicklow
Keogh           Martin                Moneymore              Ballynure     Wicklow
Keogh           Michael               Moneymore              Ballynure     Wicklow
Keogh           Michael               Oldtown                Ballynure     Wicklow
Leigh           Michael               Hartstown              Ballynure     Wicklow
Leigh           Patrick               Grangecon Hill         Ballynure     Wicklow
Leigh           Thomas                Knockarigg Hill        Ballynure     Wicklow
Lennan          Michael               Knocknamuck Lower      Ballynure     Wicklow
Lennan          Michael               Knocknamuck Upper      Ballynure     Wicklow
Lennan          William               Knocknamuck Lower      Ballynure     Wicklow
Lennan          William               Knocknamuck Upper      Ballynure     Wicklow
Lennan          William               Whitehills             Ballynure     Wicklow
Lyons           Edward                Knockanreagh           Ballynure     Wicklow
Maher           James                 Lackareagh             Ballynure     Wicklow
Maher           Patrick               Griffinstown Glen      Ballynure     Wicklow
Mahony          David                 The Grange             Ballynure     Wicklow
Mahony          Margaret              Ballynure Park         Ballynure     Wicklow
Mahony          Margaret              Grangecon Demesne      Ballynure     Wicklow
Mevoy           Anastasia             Monatore               Ballynure     Wicklow
Miley           Luke                  Grangecon Parks        Ballynure     Wicklow
Miley           Luke                  The Grange             Ballynure     Wicklow
Moffat          Patrick               Tinoranhill North      Ballynure     Wicklow
Moffatt         Patrick               Hartstown              Ballynure     Wicklow
Mooney          John                  Knoxtershill           Ballynure     Wicklow
Moore           James                 Griffinstown Upper     Ballynure     Wicklow
Moran           Catherine             Monatore               Ballynure     Wicklow
Moran           Mary                  Griffinstown Lower     Ballynure     Wicklow
Moran           Thomas                Knockarigg             Ballynure     Wicklow
Murphy          James                 Lowtown                Ballynure     Wicklow
Murphy          James                 Moneymore              Ballynure     Wicklow
Neale           John                  Ballynure Park         Ballynure     Wicklow
Neale           John                  Monatore               Ballynure     Wicklow
Neale           John                  Tinoranhill South      Ballynure     Wicklow
Neale           Joseph                Tinoranhill South      Ballynure     Wicklow
Neale           Martha                Lackareagh             Ballynure     Wicklow
Neale           Thomas                Knocknamuck Upper      Ballynure     Wicklow
Nolan           James                 Monatore               Ballynure     Wicklow
Norton          John                  Lowtown                Ballynure     Wicklow
Nowlan          Charles               Moneymore              Ballynure     Wicklow
Nowlan          Edward                Lackareagh             Ballynure     Wicklow
Nowlan          Mary                  Whitehills             Ballynure     Wicklow
O'Hara          James                 Knockarigg Hill        Ballynure     Wicklow
Owens           Henry                 Monatore               Ballynure     Wicklow
Owens           Henry                 Oldtown                Ballynure     Wicklow
Paul            Baronet Robert J.     Moneymore              Ballynure     Wicklow
Paul            Sir Robert J.         Baronstown Upper       Ballynure     Wicklow
Pender          Charles               Grangecon Parks        Ballynure     Wicklow
Pender          Charles               The Grange             Ballynure     Wicklow
Pennefather     Edward                Griffinstown Glen      Ballynure     Wicklow
Pilsworth       Thomas                Grangecon Hill         Ballynure     Wicklow
Pilsworth       Thomas                Grangecon Parks        Ballynure     Wicklow
Rooney          Daniel                Grangecon Lower        Ballynure     Wicklow
Saunders        Robert F.             Griffinstown Hill      Ballynure     Wicklow
Saunders        Robert F.             Griffinstown Lower     Ballynure     Wicklow
Sleator         Christopher           Hartstown              Ballynure     Wicklow
Sleator         Christopher           Oldtown                Ballynure     Wicklow
Sleator         Matthew               Grangecon Hill         Ballynure     Wicklow
Sleator         Matthew               Knockarigg             Ballynure     Wicklow
Sleator         Patrick               Ballynure Park         Ballynure     Wicklow
Sleator         Patrick               Knockarigg             Ballynure     Wicklow
Sleator         Patrick               Knoxtershill           Ballynure     Wicklow
Smith           Owen                  Monatore               Ballynure     Wicklow
Spray           Berry                 Grangecon Hill         Ballynure     Wicklow
Stynes          James                 Burrow                 Ballynure     Wicklow
Swaine          Robert                Baronstown Upper       Ballynure     Wicklow
Taylor          Rev. Thomas           The Grange             Ballynure     Wicklow
Timmins         George                Oldtown                Ballynure     Wicklow
Toole           Alexander             Moneymore              Ballynure     Wicklow
Toole           James                 Griffinstown Upper     Ballynure     Wicklow
Toole           John                  Grangecon Rocks        Ballynure     Wicklow
Wall            James                 Knockarigg Demesne     Ballynure     Wicklow
Walsh           Michael               Knocknamuck Lower      Ballynure     Wicklow
Walsh           Michael               Knocknamuck Upper      Ballynure     Wicklow
Ward            James                 Knoxtershill           Ballynure     Wicklow
Warwick         William               Griffinstown Lower     Ballynure     Wicklow
Waters          Thomas                The Grange             Ballynure     Wicklow
Watters         James                 Knockarigg Hill        Ballynure     Wicklow
Watters         Thomas                Grangecon Hill         Ballynure     Wicklow
Whelan          James                 Monatore               Ballynure     Wicklow
Whelan          Mary                  Lackareagh             Ballynure     Wicklow
Whelan          Michael               Lackareagh             Ballynure     Wicklow
Whelan          Patrick               Burrow                 Ballynure     Wicklow
Whelan          Patrick               Monatore               Ballynure     Wicklow
Whelan          Peter                 Knockarigg             Ballynure     Wicklow
Wilson          Thomas                Moneymore              Ballynure     Wicklow
Woulfe          John                  Griffinstown Hill      Ballynure     Wicklow
Woulfe          John                  Griffinstown Upper     Ballynure     Wicklow