Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Aghowle, County Wicklow
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Aghowle, County Wicklow
Abraham         John             Mungacullin       Aghowle     Wicklow
Abraham         Joseph           Boley             Aghowle     Wicklow
Abraham         Joseph           Mungacullin       Aghowle     Wicklow
Adams           James            Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Allen           Denis            Money Upper       Aghowle     Wicklow
Alpine          Michael          Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Askins          John             Boley             Aghowle     Wicklow
Astlefoot       Ellen            Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Bailey          Christopher      Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Bailey          John             Money Upper       Aghowle     Wicklow
Barker          Joseph           Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Barrett         Thomas           Mungacullin       Aghowle     Wicklow
Barrington      William          Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Beckett         John             Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Beckett         Richard          Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Blackburne      Peter            Aghowle Upper     Aghowle     Wicklow
Bowe            John             Killabeg          Aghowle     Wicklow
Brien           James            Money Lower       Aghowle     Wicklow
Brien           Maurice          Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Brien           Nicholas         Money Upper       Aghowle     Wicklow
Brien           Simon            Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Brien           Thomas           Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Burke           James            Aghowle Upper     Aghowle     Wicklow
Burke           Sarah            Ballard           Aghowle     Wicklow
Burke           Sarah            Minmore           Aghowle     Wicklow
Butler          Mary             Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Byrne           Catherine        Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Byrne           Esther           Mungacullin       Aghowle     Wicklow
Byrne           Honoria          Money Upper       Aghowle     Wicklow
Byrne           James            Barnacashel       Aghowle     Wicklow
Byrne           James            Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Byrne           James            Money Upper       Aghowle     Wicklow
Byrne           John             Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Byrne           John             Killabeg          Aghowle     Wicklow
Byrne           Mary             Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Byrne           Michael          Boley             Aghowle     Wicklow
Byrne           Michael          Killabeg          Aghowle     Wicklow
Byrne           Michael          Money Upper       Aghowle     Wicklow
Byrne           Patrick          Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Byrne           Patrick          Money Lower       Aghowle     Wicklow
Byrne           Richard          Quigginroe        Aghowle     Wicklow
Byrne           Thomas           Money Upper       Aghowle     Wicklow
Byrne           Thomas           Quigginroe        Aghowle     Wicklow
Byrne           William          Mungacullin       Aghowle     Wicklow
Campbell        John             Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Capel           Murtagh          Money Lower       Aghowle     Wicklow
Carney          Patrick          Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Carr            James            Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Carroll         James            Money Lower       Aghowle     Wicklow
Chamley         James            Mungacullin       Aghowle     Wicklow
Clare           John             Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Codd            Abel             Mungacullin       Aghowle     Wicklow
Codd            John             Money Lower       Aghowle     Wicklow
Codd            John             Mungacullin       Aghowle     Wicklow
Codd            Margaret         Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Codd            Richard          Money Lower       Aghowle     Wicklow
Coe             Anne             Aghowle Upper     Aghowle     Wicklow
Coe             John             Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Coe             Samuel           Aghowle Upper     Aghowle     Wicklow
Coe             Susan            Aghowle Upper     Aghowle     Wicklow
Coghlan         Michael          Lumcloon          Aghowle     Wicklow
Coleman         Thomas           Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Connor          Patrick          Boley             Aghowle     Wicklow
Cooper          Simon            Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Cullen          Michael          Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Cummins         Bridget          Money Lower       Aghowle     Wicklow
Dagge           Edward           Aghowle Upper     Aghowle     Wicklow
Dagge           Edward, Jr.      Aghowle Upper     Aghowle     Wicklow
Dagge           James            Money Upper       Aghowle     Wicklow
Dagge           Robert           Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Davis           Michael          Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Deegan          Patrick          Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Delany          Michael          Aghowle Upper     Aghowle     Wicklow
Delany          William          Money Upper       Aghowle     Wicklow
Dewy            James            Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Dickson         Francis          Lumcloon          Aghowle     Wicklow
Dickson         James            Lumcloon          Aghowle     Wicklow
Dickson         William          Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Dillon          Eliza            Boley             Aghowle     Wicklow
Dogherty        Thomas           Killabeg          Aghowle     Wicklow
Donnelly        Terrence         Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Donohoe         Edward           Money Lower       Aghowle     Wicklow
Donohoe         James            Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Donohoe         John             Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Donohoe         Michael          Boley             Aghowle     Wicklow
Donohoe         Michael          Mungacullin       Aghowle     Wicklow
Donohoe         Morgan           Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Dowling         Martin           Quigginroe        Aghowle     Wicklow
Dowling         Patrick          Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Dowling         Robert           Lumcloon          Aghowle     Wicklow
Dowling         Ruth             Lumcloon          Aghowle     Wicklow
Dowling         Thomas           Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Dowling         Thomas           Barnacashel       Aghowle     Wicklow
Doyle           Andrew           Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Doyle           Garrett          Aghowle Upper     Aghowle     Wicklow
Doyle           Hugh             Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Doyle           John             Quigginroe        Aghowle     Wicklow
Doyle           Margaret         Crone             Aghowle     Wicklow
Doyle           Owen             Boley             Aghowle     Wicklow
Doyle           Patrick          Aghowle Upper     Aghowle     Wicklow
Doyle           Patrick          Boley             Aghowle     Wicklow
Doyle           Patrick          Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Doyle           Patrick          Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Doyle           Thomas           Killabeg          Aghowle     Wicklow
Doyle           Thomas           Quigginroe        Aghowle     Wicklow
Driver          Mary             Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Elliot          Benjamin         Quigginroe        Aghowle     Wicklow
Farrell         James            Lumcloon          Aghowle     Wicklow
Finlan          Joseph           Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Finlan          Thomas           Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Fishbourne      Rev. Robert      Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Fishbourne      Rev. Robert      Killabeg          Aghowle     Wicklow
Fitzwilliam     Earl             Aghowle Upper     Aghowle     Wicklow
Fitzwilliam     Earl             Boley             Aghowle     Wicklow
Fitzwilliam     Earl             Crone             Aghowle     Wicklow
Fleming         Mary             Boley             Aghowle     Wicklow
Fleming         Patrick          Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Foley           Margaret         Quigginroe        Aghowle     Wicklow
Foley           Thomas           Killabeg          Aghowle     Wicklow
Foley           Valentine        Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Fox             Patrick          Mungacullin       Aghowle     Wicklow
Furlong         Catherine        Crone             Aghowle     Wicklow
Furlong         Thomas           Mungacullin       Aghowle     Wicklow
Gahan           Joseph           Boley             Aghowle     Wicklow
Gahan           Maurice          Mungacullin       Aghowle     Wicklow
Gahan           William          Crone             Aghowle     Wicklow
Gahan           William          Mungacullin       Aghowle     Wicklow
Granby          Thomas           Money Upper       Aghowle     Wicklow
Griffin         Owen             Killabeg          Aghowle     Wicklow
Halligan        Margaret         Aghowle Upper     Aghowle     Wicklow
Hanley          John             Killabeg          Aghowle     Wicklow
Hanly           James            Money Upper       Aghowle     Wicklow
Haskins         Thomas F.        Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Healy           Daniel           Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Healy           Denis            Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Healy           John             Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Healy           Thomas           Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Healy           William          Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Hickey          William          Killabeg          Aghowle     Wicklow
Hopkins         Benjamin         Raheenakit        Aghowle     Wicklow
Hopkins         James            Minmore           Aghowle     Wicklow
Hopkins         William          Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Hughes          Andrew           Crone             Aghowle     Wicklow
Hughes          Michael          Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Hughes          Michael, Jr.     Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Hughes          Thomas           Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Hughes          Thomas, Jr.      Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Hughes          Thos., Jr.       Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Hughes          William          Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Hughes          William          Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
James           John             Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
James           Ralph            Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Johnston        Thomas           Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Jones           John             Money Upper       Aghowle     Wicklow
Jones           Richard          Quigginroe        Aghowle     Wicklow
Kavanagh        Michael          Money Upper       Aghowle     Wicklow
Keating         Michael          Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Keegan          Patrick          Quigginroe        Aghowle     Wicklow
Keily           James            Boley             Aghowle     Wicklow
Keily           James            Mungacullin       Aghowle     Wicklow
Kelly           Edward           Boley             Aghowle     Wicklow
Kelly           James            Boley             Aghowle     Wicklow
Kelly           William          Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Kenny           Edward           Money Lower       Aghowle     Wicklow
Kenny           James            Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Kenny           John             Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Kenny           Peter            Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Kenny           Peter            Aghowle Upper     Aghowle     Wicklow
Kenny           Thomas           Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Keogh           Patrick          Killabeg          Aghowle     Wicklow
Keogh           William          Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Kinsella        Bridget          Mungacullin       Aghowle     Wicklow
Kinsella        Martin           Mungacullin       Aghowle     Wicklow
Kinsella        Michael          Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Kirwan          Charles          Boley             Aghowle     Wicklow
Kirwan          Mary             Lumcloon          Aghowle     Wicklow
Kirwan          Thomas           Lumcloon          Aghowle     Wicklow
Laurenson       Michael          Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Lawler          James            Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Lawler          Thomas           Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Lennon          William          Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Leybourne       John             Money Upper       Aghowle     Wicklow
Leybourne       William          Boley             Aghowle     Wicklow
Leybourne       William          Money Upper       Aghowle     Wicklow
Loughlin        Andrew           Money Upper       Aghowle     Wicklow
Loughlin        Daniel           Money Upper       Aghowle     Wicklow
Loughlin        John             Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Loughlin        Michael          Money Upper       Aghowle     Wicklow
Loughlin        Patrick          Money Upper       Aghowle     Wicklow
Mccann          John             Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Mcgrath         Patrick          Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Mcguire         Bryan            Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Mcguire         James            Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Mcguire         Patrick          Killabeg          Aghowle     Wicklow
Mcguire         Patrick          Lumcloon          Aghowle     Wicklow
Molloy          Ellen            Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Montfort        Archibald        Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Murphy          Andrew           Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Murphy          Charles          Barnacashel       Aghowle     Wicklow
Murphy          Daniel           Killabeg          Aghowle     Wicklow
Murphy          James            Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Murphy          John             Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Murphy          John             Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Murphy          John             Lumcloon          Aghowle     Wicklow
Murphy          Laurence         Mungacullin       Aghowle     Wicklow
Murphy          Lawrence         Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Murphy          Martin           Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Murphy          Mary             Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Murphy          William          Boley             Aghowle     Wicklow
Myers           Nicholas         Money Upper       Aghowle     Wicklow
Neill           Andrew           Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Neill           James            Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Neill           John             Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Neill           John             Money Lower       Aghowle     Wicklow
Neill           Patrick          Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Neill           Patrick          Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Neill           Phelim           Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Newland         John             Boley             Aghowle     Wicklow
Newland         John             Money Lower       Aghowle     Wicklow
Newland         John             Quigginroe        Aghowle     Wicklow
Nixon           Abraham A.       Money Upper       Aghowle     Wicklow
Nogle           Michael          Mungacullin       Aghowle     Wicklow
Nowlan          Charles          Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Nowlan          Eliza            Killabeg          Aghowle     Wicklow
Nowlan          Michael          Money Upper       Aghowle     Wicklow
Nowlan          William          Killabeg          Aghowle     Wicklow
Oakes           Thomas           Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Phelan          Maurice          Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Phelan          Simon            Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Phelan          William          Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Plunkett        Luke             Money Upper       Aghowle     Wicklow
Price           Abraham          Killabeg          Aghowle     Wicklow
Price           John             Killabeg          Aghowle     Wicklow
Reilly          William          Money Lower       Aghowle     Wicklow
Roche           James            Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Sallinger       Thomas           Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Scanlan         Ellen            Money Upper       Aghowle     Wicklow
Sharp           John             Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Shea            Mary             Quigginroe        Aghowle     Wicklow
Shea            Richard          Aghowle Lower     Aghowle     Wicklow
Shean           Richard          Money Upper       Aghowle     Wicklow
Sheane          John             Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Sheane          Richard          Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Smith           Robert           Aghowle Upper     Aghowle     Wicklow
Styles          Edward           Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Tallant         Edward           Quigginroe        Aghowle     Wicklow
Tallant         Michael          Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Toole           Laurence         Quigginroe        Aghowle     Wicklow
Toole           Luke             Killabeg          Aghowle     Wicklow
Twamley         Elias            Raheenakit        Aghowle     Wicklow
Twamley         John             Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Tyrrell         Rev. Martin      Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Tyrrell         Rev. William     Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Wall            Peter            Lumcloon          Aghowle     Wicklow
Walsh           John             Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Walsh           John             Mungacullin       Aghowle     Wicklow
Walsh           William          Killinure         Aghowle     Wicklow
Walters         Eliza            Killabeg          Aghowle     Wicklow
Whelan          James            Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Whelan          Michael          Barnacashel       Aghowle     Wicklow
Whelan          Michael          Coolkenna         Aghowle     Wicklow
Whelan          Thomas           Mungacullin       Aghowle     Wicklow
Whelan          Thomas, Jr.      Mungacullin       Aghowle     Wicklow
Wilson          Thomas           Boley             Aghowle     Wicklow