Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rathmore, County Meath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rathmore, County Meath
Askens        Thomas               Ballyboy              Rathmore     Meath
Begg          Richard              Milltown              Rathmore     Meath
Bennett       James                Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Bennett       James                Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Boland        Andrew               Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Boland        Christopher          Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Boland        John                 Rathconny             Rathmore     Meath
Boland        Robert               Moyagher, Lower       Rathmore     Meath
Boland        Thomas               Moyagher, Lower       Rathmore     Meath
Booker        George               Gillstown, Great      Rathmore     Meath
Brady         Catherine            Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Brady         John                 Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Brady         Thomas               Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Brien         Hugh                 Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Brien         James                Milltown              Rathmore     Meath
Callaghan     Patrick              Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Callaghan     Patrick              Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Carney        Eleanor              Moyagher, Lower       Rathmore     Meath
Carney        Patrick              Milltown              Rathmore     Meath
Carolan       Philip               Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Casserly      Bryan                Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Cassidy       Bridget              Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Cassidy       Catherine            Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Cavanagh      Margaret             Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Clarke        Christopher          Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Clarke        James                Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Clarke        John                 Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Clarke        Joseph               Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Clarke        Judith               Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Clarkey       Denis                Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Clarkey       Patrick              Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Collins       James                Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Comasky       Mary                 Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Comasky       Mary                 Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Connor        Rose                 Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Coogan        James                Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Cormick       Matthew              Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Cormick       Michael              Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Cowley        Terence              Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Coyle         James                Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Coyle         Terence              Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Cullen        Michael              Balruntagh            Rathmore     Meath
Cullen        Michael              Moyagher              Rathmore     Meath
Cullen        Michael              Moyagher, Lower       Rathmore     Meath
Cusack        Frederick            Moyagher, Lower       Rathmore     Meath
Daly          Bryan                Rathconny             Rathmore     Meath
Daly          Denis                Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Daly          Denis                Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Daly          James                Rathconny             Rathmore     Meath
Daly          James, Jr.           Rathconny             Rathmore     Meath
Daly          John                 Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Daly          Laurence             Rathconny             Rathmore     Meath
Daly          Laurence             Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Daly          Matthew              Rathconny             Rathmore     Meath
Daly          Michael              Rathconny             Rathmore     Meath
Darnley       ???                  Ballyboy              Rathmore     Meath
Darnley       ???                  Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Darnley       ???                  Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Darnley       ???                  Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Dobson        Francis              Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Dowd          Catherine            Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Doyle         Thomas               Rathconny             Rathmore     Meath
Dungan        John                 Rathconny             Rathmore     Meath
Dyas          James                Milltown              Rathmore     Meath
Farmer        Elizabeth            Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Farnen        Mary                 Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Farnen        Michael              Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Feal          Anne                 Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Fox           James                Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Fox           Mary                 Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Fox           Michael              Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Fox           Patrick              Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Fox           William              Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Fox           William              Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Furley        Bryan                Rathconny             Rathmore     Meath
Furley        Catherine            Rathconny             Rathmore     Meath
Furley        Hugh                 Rathconny             Rathmore     Meath
Furley        James                Rathconny             Rathmore     Meath
Furley        James                Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Furley        John                 Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Furley        Laurence             Rathconny             Rathmore     Meath
Furley        Michael              Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Furley        Michael              Rathconny             Rathmore     Meath
Furley        Owen                 Rathconny             Rathmore     Meath
Furley        Patrick              Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Furley        Patrick              Rathconny             Rathmore     Meath
Furley        Philip               Rathconny             Rathmore     Meath
Gairsh        James                Gillstown, Great      Rathmore     Meath
Gallagher     Owen                 Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Garry         Thomas               Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Garvey        Elizabeth            Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Geheran       William              Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Gibney        Peter                Gillstown, Great      Rathmore     Meath
Gill          John                 Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Gill          John                 Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Gill          Patrick              Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Gill          Patrick              Moyagher              Rathmore     Meath
Gill          Thomas               Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Gillock       Patrick              Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Glarran       Margaret             Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Halo          John                 Gillstown, Great      Rathmore     Meath
Harte         Bridget              Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Henry         Patrick              Moyagher, Lower       Rathmore     Meath
Hoey          Bryan                Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Hopkins       William              Gillstown, Great      Rathmore     Meath
Hopkins       William              Gillstown, Little     Rathmore     Meath
Horton        John                 Gillstown, Great      Rathmore     Meath
Jordon        Catherine            Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Kane          Christopher          Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Kane          Christopher, Jr.     Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Kavanagh      John                 Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Keely         Anne                 Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Kerrigan      Bridget              Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Kiernan       Alice                Moyagher, Lower       Rathmore     Meath
Kilkenny      Mary                 Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Kilkenny      Michael              Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Lee           Anne                 Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Leonard       Patrick              Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Leonard       William              Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Lynch         Bartholomew          Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Lynch         John                 Rathconny             Rathmore     Meath
Lynch         Philip               Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Lynch         Philip               Moyagher, Lower       Rathmore     Meath
Lynch         Philip, Jr.          Moyagher, Lower       Rathmore     Meath
Maguire       Mary                 Gillstown, Great      Rathmore     Meath
Manning       Patrick              Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Manning       Thomas               Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Martin        Patrick              Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Martin        Patrick              Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Mathews       Terence              Rathconny             Rathmore     Meath
Mathews       Terence              Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Mc Evoy       James                Rathconny             Rathmore     Meath
Million       Bridget              Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Million       Patrick              Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Million       Patrick              Milltown              Rathmore     Meath
Million       Peter                Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Million       Richard              Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Million       Thomas               Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Moore         Michael              Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Moore         Patrick              Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Moore         Philip               Rathconny             Rathmore     Meath
Moore         Philip               Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Mullen        Bridget              Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Mullen        James                Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Mullen        Philip               Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Mullen        Robert               Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Murphy        Patrick              Milltown              Rathmore     Meath
Murray        Patrick              Gillstown, Great      Rathmore     Meath
Murtagh       Andrew               Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Murtagh       Owen                 Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Murty         Denis                Gillstown, Great      Rathmore     Meath
Nalty         Bryan                Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Nalty         Rose                 Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Nalty         Thomas               Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Newman        Timothy              Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Purdon        Bartholomew          Clonymore             Rathmore     Meath
Reilly        James                Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Reilly        John                 Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Reilly        Michael              Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Simons        Elizabeth            Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Smith         Catherine            Rathconny             Rathmore     Meath
Smith         James                Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Smith         Mary                 Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Smith         Michael              Jamestown             Rathmore     Meath
Smith         Michael              Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Smith         Richard              Rathconny             Rathmore     Meath
Sullivan      Catherine            Rathconny             Rathmore     Meath
Sullivan      John                 Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath
Thompson      David                Clonymore             Rathmore     Meath
Tuite         Andrew               Rathconny             Rathmore     Meath
Tuite         Edward               Rathconny             Rathmore     Meath
Wilkinson     George               Mooneystown           Rathmore     Meath
Wilkinson     George               Rathmore              Rathmore     Meath