Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Lisselton, County Kerry
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Lisselton, County Kerry
Allen           Denis                 Lahesheragh North      Lisselton     Kerry
Barrett         Catherine             Lyre                   Lisselton     Kerry
Barry           John                  Lahesheragh South      Lisselton     Kerry
Barry           Thomas                Lahesheragh North      Lisselton     Kerry
Blacker         St. John T., Esq.     Farranastack           Lisselton     Kerry
Brennan         John                  Lahesheragh North      Lisselton     Kerry
Broderick       Mary                  Farranastack           Lisselton     Kerry
Buckley         Bridget               Killomeerhoe           Lisselton     Kerry
Buckley         John                  Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
Buckley         John                  Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Buckley         Rev. John             Moybella Sth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Buckley         William               Killomeerhoe           Lisselton     Kerry
Bunnion         Ellen                 Loughanes              Lisselton     Kerry
Bunnion         Thomas                Killomeerhoe           Lisselton     Kerry
Butler          Richard               Guhard North           Lisselton     Kerry
Cahill          Thomas                Loughanes              Lisselton     Kerry
Callaghan       John                  Lahesheragh North      Lisselton     Kerry
Callaghan       John                  Lyre                   Lisselton     Kerry
Callaghan       William               Lahesheragh North      Lisselton     Kerry
Carey           Walter                Blackparks             Lisselton     Kerry
Carmody         Margaret              Guhard South           Lisselton     Kerry
Carr            Edmond                Lackaboy               Lisselton     Kerry
Carr            Michael               Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
Carr            Timothy               Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
Carr            Timothy               Lackaboy               Lisselton     Kerry
Casey           Julia                 Guhard South           Lisselton     Kerry
Cashell         George                Barraduff              Lisselton     Kerry
Collins         James                 Loughanes              Lisselton     Kerry
Collins         Mary                  Lyre                   Lisselton     Kerry
Collins         Richard               Lyre                   Lisselton     Kerry
Collins         Thomas                Loughanes              Lisselton     Kerry
Connell         Michael               Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Connor          Edmond                Lisladraun             Lisselton     Kerry
Connors         George                Moybella Sth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Connors         Margaret              Guhard North           Lisselton     Kerry
Connors         Patrick               Lahesheragh South      Lisselton     Kerry
Cunningham      Michael               Kilcock Lower          Lisselton     Kerry
Dawton          Michael               Loughanes              Lisselton     Kerry
Dea             John                  Ballyloughran          Lisselton     Kerry
Deady           James                 Lyre                   Lisselton     Kerry
Dee             Ellen                 Kilcock Lower          Lisselton     Kerry
Dee             Ellen                 Lahesheragh North      Lisselton     Kerry
Dee             John                  Curraghweesha          Lisselton     Kerry
Dee             Michael               Curraghweesha          Lisselton     Kerry
Deenihan        John                  Lacka East             Lisselton     Kerry
Deenihan        Michael               Lyre                   Lisselton     Kerry
Dillane         James                 Guhard South           Lisselton     Kerry
Dillane         Thomas                Killomeerhoe           Lisselton     Kerry
Dillane         Thomas                Lahesheragh North      Lisselton     Kerry
Divane          Patrick               Lahesheragh North      Lisselton     Kerry
Donovan         Mary                  Kilcock Lower          Lisselton     Kerry
Donovan         Mary                  Kilcock Upper          Lisselton     Kerry
Doran           Matthew               Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Doyle           Jeremiah              Killomeerhoe           Lisselton     Kerry
Doyle           Owen                  Lyre                   Lisselton     Kerry
Dwane           Patrick               Loughanes              Lisselton     Kerry
English         Michael               Guhard South           Lisselton     Kerry
Enright         Cornelius             Lahesheragh North      Lisselton     Kerry
Enright         Daniel                Guhard South           Lisselton     Kerry
Enright         Daniel                Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
Enright         Johanna               Guhard South           Lisselton     Kerry
Enright         Michael               Loughanes              Lisselton     Kerry
Enright         Thomas                Farranastack           Lisselton     Kerry
Fealey          Patrick               Lackaboy               Lisselton     Kerry
Fenaughty       Michael               Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Fenaughty       Roger                 Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Fenaughty       Thomas                Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Feneighty       John                  Loughanes              Lisselton     Kerry
Finucane        Timothy               Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Fitzgerald      James                 Blackparks             Lisselton     Kerry
Fitzgerald      James                 Lacka East             Lisselton     Kerry
Fitzgerald      Thomas                Guhard South           Lisselton     Kerry
Fitzmaurice     John                  Moybella Sth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Fitzmaurice     Michael               Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Fitzmaurice     Tim.                  Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Fitzmaurice     William               Moybella Sth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Foley           Daniel                Ballingowan            Lisselton     Kerry
Foley           Daniel                Loughanes              Lisselton     Kerry
Foley           John                  Lyre                   Lisselton     Kerry
Foley           Michael               Guhard North           Lisselton     Kerry
Foley           Michael, Jr.          Ballingowan            Lisselton     Kerry
Foley           Michael, Sr.          Ballingowan            Lisselton     Kerry
Foley           Timothy, Jr.          Lyre                   Lisselton     Kerry
Foley           Timothy, Sr.          Lyre                   Lisselton     Kerry
Foran           Bridget               Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
Foran           William               Lisladraun             Lisselton     Kerry
Francis         James                 Lahesheragh South      Lisselton     Kerry
Francis         Patrick               Lahesheragh North      Lisselton     Kerry
Francis         Patrick               Lahesheragh South      Lisselton     Kerry
Francis         Robert                Lahesheragh North      Lisselton     Kerry
Gallivan        John                  Lahesheragh North      Lisselton     Kerry
Gallivan        Mary                  Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Griffin         Ellen                 Ballingowan            Lisselton     Kerry
Griffin         John                  Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Griffin         Maurice               Lyre                   Lisselton     Kerry
Griffin         Patrick               Lahesheragh North      Lisselton     Kerry
Griffin         Thomas                Curraghweesha          Lisselton     Kerry
Gun             David                 Loughanes              Lisselton     Kerry
Gun             David                 Lyre                   Lisselton     Kerry
Hanlon          John                  Killomeerhoe           Lisselton     Kerry
Hannan          John                  Lahesheragh North      Lisselton     Kerry
Hanrahan        Patrick               Lyre                   Lisselton     Kerry
Hanrahan        Thomas                Guhard South           Lisselton     Kerry
Hanrahan        Thomas                Loughanes              Lisselton     Kerry
Harnett         Wm. C., Esq.          Rathroe                Lisselton     Kerry
Hayes           John                  Ballingowan            Lisselton     Kerry
Hayes           Richard               Lacka East             Lisselton     Kerry
Hayes           Timothy               Lacka West             Lisselton     Kerry
Healy           Michael               Farranastack           Lisselton     Kerry
Healy           Timothy               Killomeerhoe           Lisselton     Kerry
Hegarty         John                  Guhard North           Lisselton     Kerry
Hegarty         William               Guhard North           Lisselton     Kerry
Herbert         Edward, Esq.          Urlee                  Lisselton     Kerry
Hoolahan        Edmond                Moybella Sth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Hoolahan        John                  Guhard South           Lisselton     Kerry
Joy             Maurice               Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Joy             Thomas                Curraghweesha          Lisselton     Kerry
Kane            Daniel                Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
Keane           Daniel                Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
Keane           Edmond                Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
Keane           Edmund                Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
Keane           John                  Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
Keane           Michael               Kilcock Upper          Lisselton     Kerry
Kelly           Elizabeth             Moybella Sth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Kelly           Timothy               Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
Kennedy         Edmond                Lisladraun             Lisselton     Kerry
Kennedy         Honoria               Lyre                   Lisselton     Kerry
Kennedy         Patrick               Lahesheragh North      Lisselton     Kerry
Kennely         Roger                 Ballingowan            Lisselton     Kerry
King            John                  Lyre                   Lisselton     Kerry
Kinnelly        Edmond                Lacka East             Lisselton     Kerry
Kinnely         David                 Moybella Sth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Kinnely         Honoria               Moybella Sth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Kinnely         John                  Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
Kinnely         Michael               Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
Kinnely         Michael               Moybella Sth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Kissane         Daniel                Lahesheragh South      Lisselton     Kerry
Kissane         David                 Lacka East             Lisselton     Kerry
Kissane         David                 Lahesheragh North      Lisselton     Kerry
Kissane         David                 Lahesheragh South      Lisselton     Kerry
Kissane         Denis                 Kilcock Upper          Lisselton     Kerry
Kissane         James                 Lacka West             Lisselton     Kerry
Kissane         James                 Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Kissane         John                  Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
Kissane         John                  Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Kissane         Michael               Kilcock Lower          Lisselton     Kerry
Kissane         Michael               Kilcock Upper          Lisselton     Kerry
Kissane         Michael               Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
Kissane         Michael               Loughanes              Lisselton     Kerry
Kissane         Michael               Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Kissane         Patrick               Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Kissane         Richard               Kilcock Lower          Lisselton     Kerry
Kissane         Richard               Kilcock Upper          Lisselton     Kerry
Leary           Arthur                Guhard South           Lisselton     Kerry
Leonard         Honoria               Lacka East             Lisselton     Kerry
Leonard         Joseph                Loughanes              Lisselton     Kerry
Leonard         Maur.                 Lacka East             Lisselton     Kerry
Leonard         Maurice               Lacka East             Lisselton     Kerry
Leonard         Michael               Lacka East             Lisselton     Kerry
Leonard         Thomas                Lacka East             Lisselton     Kerry
Leonard         William               Lacka East             Lisselton     Kerry
Long            Bridget               Kilcock Lower          Lisselton     Kerry
Long            Jeremiah              Guhard North           Lisselton     Kerry
Long            Patrick               Guhard North           Lisselton     Kerry
Long            Thomas                Guhard North           Lisselton     Kerry
Lynch           Cornelius             Lahesheragh North      Lisselton     Kerry
Lynch           Denis                 Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Lynch           Elizabeth             Lahesheragh South      Lisselton     Kerry
Lynch           James                 Lahesheragh North      Lisselton     Kerry
Lynch           John                  Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
Lynch           John                  Lahesheragh North      Lisselton     Kerry
Lynch           John                  Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Lynch           John                  Urlee                  Lisselton     Kerry
Lynch           John, Jr.             Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Lynch           John, Sr.             Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Lynch           Mary                  Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
Lynch           Michael               Kilcock Lower          Lisselton     Kerry
Lynch           Michael               Kilcock Upper          Lisselton     Kerry
Lynch           Michael               Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Lynch           Patrick               Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
Lyons           Anne                  Loughanes              Lisselton     Kerry
Lyons           Thomas                Guhard North           Lisselton     Kerry
Lyons           Thomas                Guhard South           Lisselton     Kerry
Lysaght         Michael               Guhard North           Lisselton     Kerry
Macasy          William               Kilcock Lower          Lisselton     Kerry
Macasy          William               Kilcock Upper          Lisselton     Kerry
Madden          Bridget               Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
Madden          Daniel                Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
Madden          John                  Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Owen                  Lahesheragh North      Lisselton     Kerry
Mc Elligott     Patrick               Loughanes              Lisselton     Kerry
Mc Mahon        Martin                Curraghweesha          Lisselton     Kerry
Mc Namara       Mary                  Guhard South           Lisselton     Kerry
Mc Namara       Michael               Guhard South           Lisselton     Kerry
Mc Namara       Patrick               Guhard South           Lisselton     Kerry
Mc Namara       Patrick               Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Mc Quinn        John                  Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Moran           Michael               Lahesheragh North      Lisselton     Kerry
Moriarty        Honoria               Moybella Sth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Mulcahy         Timothy               Ballingowan            Lisselton     Kerry
Mulvihill       Daniel                Killomeerhoe           Lisselton     Kerry
Mulvihill       John                  Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
Mulvihill       John                  Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Mulvihill       Michael               Lackaboy               Lisselton     Kerry
Mulvihill       Synan                 Loughanes              Lisselton     Kerry
Murphy          Catherine             Lahesheragh North      Lisselton     Kerry
Murphy          Jeremiah              Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Murphy          John                  Loughanes              Lisselton     Kerry
Murphy          Patrick               Kilcock Lower          Lisselton     Kerry
Murphy          Patrick               Moybella Sth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Nolan           Cornelius             Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Nolan           Michael               Moybella Sth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Nolan           Patrick               Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Nolan           Patrick               Moybella Sth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Nolan           Thomas                Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
O'Donnell       Cornelius             Dunferris              Lisselton     Kerry
O'Donnell       George                Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
O'Donnell       James                 Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
O'Donnell       John                  Dunferris              Lisselton     Kerry
O'Donnell       John                  Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
O'Donnell       John                  Lisladraun             Lisselton     Kerry
Perryman        John                  Guhard South           Lisselton     Kerry
Power           Stephen               Ballyloughran          Lisselton     Kerry
Purcell         Patrick               Moybella Nth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Raymond         George, Esq.          Lahesheragh South      Lisselton     Kerry
Riordan         Cornelius             Lahesheragh North      Lisselton     Kerry
Roche           John                  Loughanes              Lisselton     Kerry
Roche           Michael               Curraghweesha          Lisselton     Kerry
Ryan            Maurice               Kilcock Lower          Lisselton     Kerry
Scanlan         Daniel                Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
Shea            Denis                 Ballyloughran          Lisselton     Kerry
Shea            Denis                 Dunferris              Lisselton     Kerry
Shea            Denis                 Island Sack Little     Lisselton     Kerry
Sheehy          Patrick               Loughanes              Lisselton     Kerry
Sheehy          William               Barraduff              Lisselton     Kerry
Stack           Edmond                Loughanes              Lisselton     Kerry
Stack           Edmund                Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
Stack           James                 Loughanes              Lisselton     Kerry
Stack           Sarah                 Loughanes              Lisselton     Kerry
Stack           Thomas                Blackparks             Lisselton     Kerry
Sullivan        Denis                 Killomeerhoe           Lisselton     Kerry
Sullivan        Jeremiah              Lyre                   Lisselton     Kerry
Sullivan        John                  Farranastack           Lisselton     Kerry
Sullivan        Patrick               Dunferris              Lisselton     Kerry
Sweeney         Honoria               Loughanes              Lisselton     Kerry
Sweeney         Maurice               Loughanes              Lisselton     Kerry
Sweeny          Patrick               Moybella Sth.          Lisselton     Kerry
Walsh           John                  Guhard North           Lisselton     Kerry
Walsh           John                  Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry
Walsh           John                  Rathroe                Lisselton     Kerry
Walsh           Rev. James            Loughanes              Lisselton     Kerry
Ward            Lewis                 Kilgarvan              Lisselton     Kerry